{% import '_includes/forms' as forms %} {{ forms.selectField({ label: "Redactor Config"|t('redactor'), instructions: "You can save custom {name} configs as {ext} files in {path}."|t('redactor', { name: 'Redactor', ext: '`.json`', path: '`config/redactor/`' }) ~ ' '~"View available settings"|t('redactor')~'', id: 'redactorConfig', name: 'redactorConfig', options: redactorConfigOptions, value: field.redactorConfig }) }} {{ forms.checkboxSelectField({ id: 'availableVolumes', name: 'availableVolumes', label: 'Available Volumes'|t('redactor'), instructions: 'The volumes that should be available when selecting assets (if the selected config has an Image or File button).'|t('redactor'), options: volumeOptions, values: field.availableVolumes, showAllOption: volumeOptions|length ? true : false }) }} {{ forms.checkboxSelectField({ id: 'availableTransforms', name: 'availableTransforms', label: 'Available Transforms'|t('redactor'), instructions: 'The Transforms that should be available for Image selection.'|t('redactor'), options: transformOptions, values: field.availableTransforms, showAllOption: transformOptions|length ? true : false }) }}
’s, empty tags, non-breaking whitespace and most style
attributes on save."|t('redactor'),
id: 'cleanupHtml',
name: 'cleanupHtml',
checked: field.cleanupHtml
}) }}
{{ forms.checkboxField({
label: "Purify HTML?"|t('redactor'),
instructions: 'Removes any potentially-malicious code on save, by running the submitted data through HTML Purifier.'|t('redactor'),
warning: 'Disable this at your own risk!'|t('redactor'),
id: 'purifyHtml',
name: 'purifyHtml',
checked: field.purifyHtml,
toggle: 'purifier-config-container'
}) }}